In just four short months, more than 1,000 hose distributors and manufacturers will descend into Las Vegas for NAHAD’s 35th Annual Meeting and Convention, April 5-10, 2019. During four action-packed days, you will have the opportunity to network with hundreds of existing and potential business prospects, learn relevant industry information, and see the latest product innovations in the marketplace, all while experiencing everything Vegas has to offer. For the cost of a registration fee, hotel room and a plane ticket, where else could you accomplish all that under one roof?
Quite simply, networking. NAHAD builds a program designed to provide you with the opportunities you need to get business done. Starting with the Opening Reception and ending with the Closing Party, there are ample social opportunities to continue business conversations. NAHAD’s Showcase of Hose Solutions is the place to network with the best companies in the business, while learning about the industry’s’ top products and innovations. NAHAD also offers private company meeting rooms for sales team meetings, one-on-one prospect meetings, you name it. Combined with NAHAD’s Hospitality Night, Speed Networking and a host of other opportunities, it’s a safe bet you’ll run out of business cards.
We build a program to match a location and the needs of the industry. We know there are a lot of distractions in Las Vegas, this year you will see added content and educational sessions on human resources and sales, as well as trends in distribution. You will hear from experts on leadership and the Amazon Effect, as well as futurists to help you predict business trends. Plus, we’ll incorporate all things Vegas, so you know it’ll be a great time.
Vegas doesn’t do anything small, which is both a blessing and a curse. And there is nothing worse than going to a Convention and not being able to connect with those you came to see. At the Bellagio, all of NAHAD’s Convention space is connected between two sleeping towers. You come down from your room and it’s all right there. No walking through the casino and a million shops. Plus, NAHAD has designated several Bellagio bars as NAHAD Meet Up spots. The NAHAD App will be a great way to make those connections and ensure you are in the right place at the right time where you can see and be seen.
Register! More than 200 industry professionals have beat you to it, with more registering each day. Early bird discount ends in January and you don’t want to miss cost savings. And besides, wouldn’t it be great to start 2019 without having one more thing on your plate left to worry about? You can register online and we look forward to seeing you for an incredible NAHAD experience in Vegas!