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NAHAD's COVID-19 Impact and Implementation Survey Results Blog Feature
Pamela Morrison

By: Pamela Morrison on April 20th, 2020

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NAHAD's COVID-19 Impact and Implementation Survey Results

NAHAD | hose distribution | Covid-19 | corona virus

In unprecedented times, asking questions, looking for why and wanting that sigh of relief and return to normalcy is something we all crave. Thanks to Industry Insights, an independent research firm in Ohio, NAHAD invited members to participate in an industry wide COVID-19 study to survey sentiments and policies being implemented by businesses across the U.S. More than 3,000 companies from various industries shared their opinions on how the pandemic is impacting their companies.

They asked the questions on all our minds –

Are you home & staying put?
Do you believe we should be?
Are you essential?
How many workers did you lay off?
Will you do everything possible –

  • Use government resources
  • Accept help
  • Heed the stay-at-home-and-be-safe orders for as long as needed to get the country re-hired and back on its feet?

How long until or if normal returns?
Are we returning to work?

Calculus, an engineering background, or an advanced degree was not needed to answer any of the questions (of course, if you had those, you were welcome to answer, too). It was your own individual experience, your feelings and your opinions that directed the results of the survey.

Curious about the results? Do you want to see if your feelings match your industry on the whole, are we really “in it together” or is it lions vs. wildebeests and may the strongest person or company win?

In NAHAD’s case, 92% of respondents are deemed essential putting their furlough/laid-off results at just 14% compared to the industry standard of 39%. Continuing the positive sentiments, 60% had mild concerns about the long-term viability of their company versus 41% cross-industry respondents, and only 17% expressed major concern if there was no government action compared to the industry standard of 30%. However, 23% believe that it will take 7-10 months to resume conferences, events, exhibits as opposed to only 9% of industry respondents.

Across the board, however, the collective business acumen is stubborn resilience, that dig your feet into the ground and hold firm against the torrents of the strongest storm in recent history, and we will do whatever necessary to get businesses running again. Do we like it? A firm NO. There were strong feelings about who/what is essential. We are all hurting, whether we are working remotely, or furloughing until later. We hate asking for help but if that gets us back to work, we are using all available resources. Most impressive? We all want to return to our workplaces as soon as humanly possible as remote work is not the permanent choice.

In it together? Without a doubt, is overall sentiment.

Willing to act, make necessary changes, so that ALL can return strong? Begrudgingly, initially, but just like in any sports metaphor, blood, sweat, tears, and perseverance wins.

You can read the full Executive Summary here. We will all keep working hard and keep our country running, together. Learn More


About Pamela Morrison

Pamela Morrison joined NAHAD as Communications Manager in March 2020. She manages NAHAD’s communication needs related to content development, social media metrics, public relations, copywriting and editing. She can be reached at pmorrison@nahad.org.