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NAHAD Revamps its Hose Safety Institute Training Options Blog Feature
Mary Gannon

By: Mary Gannon on April 30th, 2019

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NAHAD Revamps its Hose Safety Institute Training Options

Excerpt from Hose Assembly Tips. View the full article at www.hoseassemblytips.com.

HSI KioskNAHAD has always been a leader in promoting hose safety in the industry. Its Hose Safety Institute Handbook has been used for years as a key resource in educating and on-boarding new staff in hose basics. So, it was no surprise at this year’s NAHAD Annual Meeting in Las Vegas this month that the organization announced it has revamped its Hose Safety Institute (HSI) training options.

NAHAD has launched the NAHAD Academy, digitizing its Hose Safety Institute Handbook and allowing members to obtain certification through online learning and assessments.

Hose Basics Opening Slide (002)First and foremost, the association has taken its paper Handbook and put that content into a digital platform, which allows users to sign on and take courses and assessments online. Called the NAHAD Academy, it makes training more readily available to members.

At the conclusion of the business meeting Molly Alton Mullins, EVP of NAHAD, said, “One element that is very important to everyone in this room is hose safety and the Hose Safety Institute. I want your customers and your end users to ask to work with Hose Safety Institute Members. So, the board and staff has spent a lot of time this past year looking at that program, figuring out how we can enhance it, how to better market it and how to propose more value to your customers.”

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Learn more about the NAHAD Academy.


About Mary Gannon

Mary Gannon is editor of Fluid Power World and senior editor with Design World. She has been a technical writer and editor for more than 14 years, after working daily news journalism and public relations early in her career. She covers fluid power and interconnect technologies. She is passionate about STEM, and encouraging young people to follow their dreams, whether it is the college route or into technical schools and apprenticeships. Mary received her Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from Boston University’s College of Communication in 1998.