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NAHAD’s Membership Survey Results are In… So, How'd We Do? Blog Feature
Molly Alton Mullins

By: Molly Alton Mullins on September 13th, 2019

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NAHAD’s Membership Survey Results are In… So, How'd We Do?

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Earlier this summer, NAHAD surveyed its membership to better understand what value the association provides to you, our members. We wanted to know why you belong, and quite frankly, what can we do better to enhance the value of your membership. Do you pay your dues simply to attend the Annual Convention? Do you read NAHAD’s research reports? Do you wish NAHAD offered something that we don’t? Are you taking advantage of our new educational programs? Well, the responses are in and quite eye opening. Ok, I wrote that for effect so you would keep reading.

It’s All About Networking

It came as no surprise that when asked, “Of the services NAHAD provides, which do you find most valuable?” the number one response was networking. Members were asked to select their top three benefits, and networking was number one, with 73 percent of respondents selecting it. (Especially at the Annual Convention, with almost half of respondents ranking it “very to extremely valuable.”) Hose safety initiatives came in as number two (56 percent of respondents) and research products was the third top vote. What matters least to respondents? Discounts on business services with only 8 percent selecting this option. It’s ok. I’ll make sure our Value Partners don’t get their feelings hurt.1-1You Like NAHAD Academy. Well Most of You, Anyway.
NAHAD Academy Red-1Earlier this year NAHAD launched NAHAD Academy which provides Hose Safety Institute materials and industry training courses through an online portal. When asked how you like this shift from a book/written exam process to an online interactive course, almost 81 percent of respondents thought this was a good development for NAHAD. Another 10 percent of you were unfamiliar with NAHAD Academy, and about 9 percent of you don’t like the development. This taught me two things: we need to make sure we are reaching all NAHAD members about the programs we offer, and sometimes, you just can’t please everyone. 

2-1 Industry Trends and Economic Forecasts are What You Read
Of the research reports NAHAD offers (Industry Trends, Distributor Compensation, Markets Monitor and the National Association of Manufacturers [NAM] Economic Forecast), the vast majority of respondents find the Industry Trends Report to be the most valuable (46 percent), followed by NAM’s weekly economic forecasts (25 percent). Look for NAHAD to continue to build on the research products we offer in 2020 and beyond.

Our New Programs are on the Right Track
Earlier this year, NAHAD launched Issue Alerts which provide details on regulatory and legislative topics affecting distribution. A full 50 percent of you read and like these reports, and another 13 percent like the reports, but don’t find the information overly applicable to your business. To that 13 percent, please email me and let me know what information you would find useful and we will build the topics into the schedule. Really, do email - mmullins@nahad.org. I promise I’ll respond.

NAHAD’s Regional Training also launched in 2019 to favorable results and NAHAD is building this program into an annual occurrence. But where should we host it in 2020? Your responses are all over the map, literally. Orlando, Houston and Chicago pulled in the most votes, and look for an announcement in Q4 on NAHAD’s 2020 Regional Training location.


Like Goldilocks, NAHAD’s Communication Efforts are “Just Right”
Multi-channel communication is all the rage right now and NAHAD is no different. Our goal is to make sure we communicate with you through the vehicles you would like us to use, and at the frequency that you find useful. So which channels do you like the most? NAHAD.org (hands down) above anything else. The online newsletter HoseConnections was a distant second, followed by the printed NAHAD News. What does this mean? We will continue to print publications but look for more interactive NAHAD communications and content in the coming years.

And it appears we do not inundate you with information. Almost 84 percent of you stated NAHAD communicates “the right amount” and 15 percent would like to hear from us more. One person said we communicate too frequently, but hey, you can’t win them all.

Overall, You’re Happy with NAHAD
Or maybe you just answered that way to be nice. Regardless, when asked for suggestions on new services you think NAHAD should provide, most of your open-ended responses said, “none at this time.” Other suggestions included more networking opportunities, less expensive venue locations for the Annual Convention, and more support services for distributors. I promise you these comments are taken seriously, and the board discusses these survey results at length to ensure we continue to provide programs worth the price of membership.

As always, I want to hear your comments and feedback, about anything, positive or negative. That is the only way we will continue to get better and provide you the value you deserve. Thank you for your continued support of NAHAD and we look forward to serving our valued members for many years to come.


About Molly Alton Mullins

Molly Alton Mullins has been in the association management field for almost 20 years, specializing in strategic planning, program management, board development, meeting and events, communications, marketing, and partnership expansion. She has served NAHAD for almost four years, becoming Executive Vice President in June 2017, and has enjoyed every minute working with the exceptional members and leadership of this fantastic association.

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