NAHAD's Hose Safety Institute's Handbook Keeps Getting Better!
NAHAD’s Hose Safety Institute is proud to announce the newest version of the Handbook for the Design and Specification of Hose Assemblies! A small team composed of both Distributors and Manufacturers spent grueling hours hammering out the changes which were then approved by the Standards Committee. The resulting Handbook provides content more focused on Distributor needs and reflects even more consensus on best practices than ever before.
What’s Changed?
A cornerstone of the Institute has been the creation of a series of whitepapers addressing key issues in end-user industries where hose safety is crucial. These whitepapers reflect the opinions and best practices of both NAHAD Institute members, as well as key players in the affected industries. In addition, several educational resources have been added for members on topics such as hose assembly testing – highlights and updates from these resources have been integrated into the newest version of the Handbook.
What About NAHAD’s Testing Program?
A second cornerstone of the Institute has been the testing program available to members for the training and development of their employees. Tests are based on both the Handbook and the Institute’s Fabrication Guides; in the past, changes to either the Handbook or the Fab Guides have resulted in revised tests. However, we were able to ensure that the current changes do NOT affect the exam program, so no new or updated exams are needed at this time.
Is Anything Else Changing?
Yes! We’re going electronic, so members will have a choice of electronic or hardcopy when ordering the Handbook. Hardcopy updates to the existing Handbook will be available for ordering at cost within the next few weeks. Or you can simply download a pdf version of the Handbook for your company’s use. The electronic version is available for free to any company who has previously purchased the Handbook. It may also be purchased at a reduced fee for first timers. Membership requirements for the Hose Safety Institute are being adjusted to reflect employee access to the Handbook, rather than a hard copy version for each location. The new membership requirement is that each member company provide access to the Handbook for all employees. Your choice whether that is electronic or not.
Members of the Hose Safety Institute have committed to following these industry-leading safety guidelines. Choosing to do business with HSI members ensures that the safety of your team and your customers is a top priority. If you are a NAHAD member and have not yet joined the Hose Safety Institute, now’s the time! This is a great way to demonstrate your commitment to safety, not just for your own program, but one based on an industry consensus around the right way to specify, design, and fabricate hose assemblies. And you get the benefit of insights from your peers in the industry, not to mention access to the testing program, and discounted rates on the Handbook!
Check it out on the NAHAD website under Hose Safety. For additional details or questions, contact Debbie Mitchell at
About Debbie Mitchell
Ms. Mitchell brings 27 years of experience in corporate education and training to her work over the last 12 years with NAHAD's Hose Safety Institute. Serving as the Standards Manager for NAHAD, she manages the Institute's testing and certificate program in support of hose assembly safety, and works with both specialists from the NAHAD membership and end users across a variety of industries to identify key hose safety issues and generate whitepapers addressing those issues. She has thoroughly enjoyed working with these committed folks, learning a tremendous amount in the process!